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Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Today I will blog about something funny that happened to me- I FELL OUT OF THE BACK OF A TRUCK! Isn't that hilarious! I mean one second I was sitting on the back of the truck and sundennly I hear *kadoonk*, next thing I know I am getting up off of the ground laughing! It was a first time experience and will forever be remembered as: THE DAY RAFI FELL OFF OF THE BACK OF A TRUCK. ;-)

Monday, February 16, 2004

-Corey, first off, it was not a selfish gift whatsoever ;) . secondly, I really don't think it is that hard to sustain a "typed" evil laugh. thirdly, I had fun playing risk at school today. and I cannot think of anything else to blog about exept for the fact that I am watching JP3 at the moment and that I will forever be the RISKMASTER!

Sunday, February 15, 2004

Today was fun. I woke up, got ready for church, and went to church. What happened next was totally out of the ordinary and unexpected! (i.e. it was strange). My mom took me to pizza hut and I was wondering why we were going to pizza hut. I went inside and Amy, Mandy, Corey, Holly, and Jennifer were waiting inside. I went in and everybody yelled: SURPRISE! One of my favorite gifts was I got a Lord of the Rings risk set. I got a LotR risk!!!!!!! *double exitement* I have wanted a LotR risk for the longest of times! I have had so much chocolate and I could eat more and more and more until I burst! I LIKE CHOCOLATE!!! At the time I am watching The Two Towers with extended footage. Oh well. Thanks To the Amy, Mandy, Corey, Holly, Jennifer, and everyone else who was involved in the suprise party. thanks.

Lot's o' Chocolate! Lots and lots o' chocolate!!!

Saturday, February 14, 2004


I am officially 17 today. *exitement* My sister and bro in law are here for my birthday and i had a chocolate Ice cream cake . *yum* I like having my birthday on V-day because I get lot's of Chocolate. I like chocolate. *yum*

Friday, February 13, 2004

Today was not much different from Thu 12, 09:14:52 PM, I was in a very goooooooood mood. Oh, and amy and mandy, you know what I ment when I told you comment on my blogs!! I meant to comment on the contents of the blog!! Oh well, I was not very specific with my instructions. Tomorro is My birthday!! Let us all sing together:

Happy Birthday to Me
Happy birthday to Me
Happy birthday dear Rafi...
Haaaaaappy biiiiiiiiirthday toooooooooo meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Yeah! I am 17 on February 14, 2004!!!

(p.s. I still do not have my permit ;-) )

Thursday, February 12, 2004

Today was very different from Fri Feb 06, 04:36:45 pm. I was in a very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, Gooooooooooooood mood today. Do you want to know why? It's because Jesus loves me! And do you know what?! He loves you too!!!! He-hey! My life is just dandy! (whoa!! where did that come from?) Oh well. IF YOU READ: PLEASE COMMENT

Monday, February 09, 2004

Iwas not in a very good mood today either, and I just found out that in corey's latest post, he used one of my words that he knows is my word and he used my word just so I could argue with him that it is my word and not his word. Corey knows that Goonsh
g-o-o-n-s-h-e is my word that I came up with and that I exlaim constantly. ARRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! l will get you back Corey, you just wait. BUM-BUM-BUM!!!!!

Friday, February 06, 2004

I was not in a very good mood today. that is all.

Thursday, February 05, 2004

I am soory amy for overeacting about being banned. I have just not been in a good mood

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